Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Packing Up Seasons and Memories


Earlier this month, the internet was too slow for me to get my office work done, so I put in time organizing and packing. This time it was going through the toys: what to keep for sentimental reasons, what to keep for guests to enjoy, what to give away, what to toss. It was also a gloomy, rainy day and I was tired from pushing hard for several days. 

No wonder looking over these cuties caused my heart to spend time remembering special times with my girls.

OK, I cried a little bit too.

A week or two later I took the bin of "give aways" to church and offered them to 3 families with little girls. I wish I had a picture of us digging into the bags of stuff from the back of my car. Immediate connections with dolls, giggles over clothing for Barbie and Ken from one mom, knowing looks from daughters to their mothers about other toys in the box. Over the years we've received many "pass along" treasures of toys, dolls, clothing. It's a great thing to keep it going.

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